About Us
We are volunteers dedicated to helping pets find loving homes instead of fending for themselves in a harsh environment, or worse - euthanasia. We are proud to have helped many thousands of pets find a good home and a better life.
A non-profit organization that is dedicated to the rescue of as many dogs from abuse, abandonment, euthanasia or natural disaster as possible.
"Thank you for giving us the opportunity BDR. Folks, she is a great dog and just incredibly smart. She is going to be a fantastic dog! "
We are volunteers dedicated to helping pets find loving homes instead of fending for themselves in a harsh environment, or worse - euthanasia. We are proud to have helped many thousands of pets find a good home and a better life.
About Us
We are volunteers dedicated to helping pets find loving homes...
Mission Statement
Dog Facts & Information, Honest Review On Dog Breeds, All About Dog Training & Care
Healthy Paws Pet Insurance & Foundation offers a comprehensive, affordable pet insurance plan for your dog or cat. Visit us to get a free quote.